June 7, 2016

Training Camp Journal – Day 10

Trent Corney’s Training Camp Journal

June 7, 2016

The game is getting closer, but I don’t want to get too antsy this far away from the game. Knowing the right people to hang around with is important.

I want to be around people with positive vibes, not those who give off anxious vibes. If they’re all nervous and getting all antsy, it’s going to get me antsy. That’s why in college I used to hang around with non-football players before the game.

Trent CorneyI’m ready to go right now. If I got tested on all the plays right now, I’d get 100 percent. But for me it’s as much about getting the experience and feeling the sights and sounds so that I’m not having brain farts out there.

I’ll probably watch a movie tonight. One I watched a couple of days ago was ‘Hardcore Henry.’ It’s like playing a video game, there was action the whole time and it had a very creative storyline. I was up for an hour after because it was like I was stuck in that movie.

Honestly, I don’t know what’s going to happen on game day. I’m like go-with-the-flow guy. My friends and family members always get frustrated with me because I never know what’s going on, it’s like I’m totally out of it. When my family comes down for a visit they’re expecting me to have a full schedule planned for them, but I never do. I never have anything planned. I’m just walking around, going wherever. My parents are like, ‘Trent… where are we going here?’ I’m in my own world.

So tomorrow, whatever direction the arrow is pointing, I’m just going to start walking that way. I’ll just go with the rest of the pack and as long as I’m here by 5 o’clock, I’ll be fine.

Defensive end Trent Corney was the Bombers first pick, 9th overall, in the 2016 CFL Draft. A product of Brockville, Ont., he played his college ball at the University of Virginia. will chronicle Corney’s daily battles through training camp, from the highs on the field to the transition from the college to the pro game.


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