March 8, 2016

Rapid Fire – Ryan Smith

Rapid Fire – Ryan Smith

Nickname? Smitty.

Food dislikes? I hate squash. It’s terrible.

Guilty pleasure? Cookies. Chocolate chip cookies.

Pet peeves? People who chew with their mouths open.

Favourite pizza topping? Pepperoni and sausage.

Favourite show? How I Met Your Mother.

Go-to karaoke song? Living on a Prayer, Bon Jovi.

Most-used emoji? The fist pound thing. ?

Biggest phobia? Snakes. They scare me to death.

Bacon or chocolate? Chocolate for sure. I have a terrible sweet tooth.

Country or rap? Country for sure.

Justin Bieber or Drake? *laughs* I’d have to go with Drake. I don’t like Justin Bieber at all.

If there was a movie made about your life, what would it be called? What You See Is What You Get – Ryan Smith documentary.

Who would play you? Brad Pitt

If you weren’t playing football, which sport would you play? Golf. I’m a big golfer.

Favourite cartoon? I was a big Rocket Power guy. It was a Nickelodeon show.

If you could only save one thing from your house, what would it be? My national championship rings.

Have any hidden talents? I am secretly good at gymnastics. I did it when I was growing up and not a lot of people know that.

Celebrity crush? Jennifer Aniston

Favourite Twitter account to follow? Recently it’s Barstool Sports. They have a lot of funny stuff on there.